Habit Coach: Healthy Habit Video Series

Happy young women in the kitchen making a fresh salad.
Find it hard to stick with healthy habits? 你并不孤单! The American Heart Association is here to help, acting as your Habit Coach. Our science-backed tips will help you build lasting habits for better health.

Introducing Habit Coach

We know that when you create healthy habits that stick, it sticks with you, for good. Get ready to create new healthy habits. Watch the Habit Coach series.


Your brain is a habit-building machine. Learn the science behind cue-routine-reward. These three steps create a habit loop: A cue prompts an action, a routine is how you react to the cue 和 the reward completes the habit loop.


Habit-forming is not one size fits all. Tailor your plan to what works for you. It starts with identifying a goal. 习惯 are the small, specific steps that you repeat to realize that goal. Identify the most realistic habits that you can adopt to reach your goal.


Habit-forming is not one size fits all. Tailor your plan to what works for you. It starts with identifying a goal. 习惯 are the small, specific steps that you repeat to realize that goal. Identify the most realistic habits that you can adopt to reach your goal.


Habit “reminders” can take many forms. Find cues that will make your new habits successful. These can be cues from your environment (something you see or hear) or internal (something you feel or remember). Existing habits can serve as cues for new habits – that’s called “habit-stacking.”


The reward completes the habit loop, 和 it encourages you to repeat the habit. Start by choosing a habit that you enjoy. Next, find a positive outcome or a positive feeling associated with that habit. Cherish that reward each time your repeat the habit.


没有这样的事. Build on your less-than-successful attempts. Learn from them, 和 try again. Remember, every “failure” is an opportunity to make your habit stronger. Recover from setbacks by evaluating the cue, routine 和 reward behind your habit. Don’t be afraid to try again!